Competition Calendar 2017

Calendario 2017

Season 2017: User’s Guide

After three months that seemed like an eternity, finally it’s going to start the barbecue season, with all its flavors and emotions. Is slowly fading memories of a fantastic KCBS season closed with the historic passing of the Dutch team iQ at the last day after a chase throughout the whole year, at the disadvantage of the no less strong English Bunch of Swines, succeeding in winning both the top spot in EBCC that TOY ranking and stop the domain of  Miss Piggy’s UK that lasted for two years. The fashion of the competitive barbecue in recent years is spreading in public and interest and are increasingly frequent episodes of competitions for which the available spots were sold out in a few days. so now it’s facing for all teams, for judges and for fans the time to plan their season although we are the first to recognize how the branch communications system is still growing a step back to the movement and how the news still are not looking for potential interested people but the opposite. It may wish to take a look together what the view of the competitive barbecue in Europe offers, with particular attention to Italy for a more informed choice. For all readers who look out for the first time in the world of competitive barbecue, we should recommend to read before this quick and basic explanation of the main rules of operation.

A first consideration that we could make is that the incoming one seems to be to be a season of transition, in which several appointments on the calendar, some historic, will cease to make room for new tenders, in a large changing landscape. I think this settling is normal and right, after years of exponential growth. The second finding is that Holland reaffirms its role as the forefather of the barbecue in Europe, intensifying the number of organized competitions, even going so far to 6 in a nation no bigger than one of our regions. The third is that despite a slightly lightened calendar, I found several overlays, which unfortunately disperse the team ending up disadvantaging the competitions by themselves.

One last thought on the two existing competitive circuit in Italy. Leafing through the pages of this blog you will be easily noticed how in the world of competitive BBQ I feel closer to KCBS, although there is in Italy a valid delegation of WBQA circuit which is doing an excellent job. The main shortcoming that I personally observe in WBQA circuit (which in opposite parts can also be read as an advantage) is a weak centralization, which makes of the various national delegations small worlds in their own right, just not creating a real global circuit. The novelty in 2017 is that the Italian delegation has filled at least partially this limit by consolidating and formalizing an interesting mini national circuit of four competitions that will declare the WBQA Italian champion of this year. Worth throw an eye in my opinion.

Calendario 2017

Back to us, we say that omitting the traditional WEST in the ending of January, the real proper season will go from March to October and every year the first few months will be to define the last stragglers events but we will try go in anticipation and to give an indicative idea month by month.


How abundantly anticipated it is the first event of the season, held in mid-January in Val di Tures, with temperatures easily drop below 20 degrees below zero, as extreme event that can put into serious trouble the stability of cooking. The organizers are the legendary MIG and unfortunately for those concerned, the available spots, both for judges and for the team, sold out in just 48 hours.
Equally, precise that you can find more information here.


Small and pretty competition organized in the Austrian city of Wels, not far from Salzburg coinciding with a floral festival. Simple, no frills competition without additional categories, reserved for a very small number of teams. The organizer is Christoph Gollenz pitmaster of Grillkunst. Residue spots very limited. For info and reservations click here.

Competition at its first edition, held in mid-month in Belgium by Wettles on Fire, in Ninove, not far from Brussels, valid for the definition of the Belgian champion. Among the additional categories in addition to desserts, include the steak, approved the circuit SCA, a real contest into the contest with various European dates that will define the European Champion on the genre. Good news from the front inscriptions with a further 15 spots still available. Among the subscribed teams, the italians Suqulento.
For those interested, click here.

Another first edition, this time in Italy in Bardonecchia, the 22nd, for the competition the western on the boot, as stated in the claim. It ‘a competition where you know a very few, since there is no official website. This has not prevented 29 of the 30 available spots were evaporated very quickly. The special event is to be an ideal meeting point between the Italian, French and Swiss teams which usually have to move to north to compete.
For those interested in last place available click here.

Competition at its third edition organized by Bulls BBQ in the beautiful Salzburg in Austria the 29th. WebSite only in German with just paper reservations. It’s not clear the number of available spots but the application form is still available and the registered teams are 26, among which we notice the Italians Pit Club, Four Star and Griller Unchained. The competition is a schedule overlap with neighboring Switzerland, of which we speak below.
For those who want to book,click here.

Even here we are at the third edition, as we said before, unfortunately in overlap with the competition in Austria. New this year is that the event has been moved from the historical site of Brugg to Cazis, definitely closer to the Italian border, so even more convenient. Here too it is not clear from the site if there are available spots and the registered teams but the inscriptions are still open. For those interested, click here. – The competition has been officially cancelled –

One more date in the same weekend, in Great Britain, in Devon, near Bristol. The date still does not appear in KCBS calendar but is already advertised on social and so we give it for good. Very rich panorama of anciliary categories that includes many interesting topics like Chili’s, Burger or Bacon, as well as being stage of SCA for steaks.
For registration click here.

In order not to miss anything here is the third overlay of the weekend, this time with a competition of WBQA circuit. The seat is that of Turin, for the first of the national circuit competitions. As for the other WQBA competitions there is not the possibility to register online but you have to submit an email. Here you will find the references.

On April with great surprise we don’t find news of a historic event in the Netherlands as the Baseball & BBQ Cook Off. Considering the tight schedule, we believe the event won’t be confirmed.


Beer, Fries and BBQBEER, FRIES & BBQ – KCBS
One more competition in Belgium, this time historic, organized on the 13th in Hasselt by the strong team of De Filous. The competition is known to be extremely well organized and associated with the tasting of delicious Belgian beers on tap. The seats are about 48, 9 of which are still available. Unfortunately among these do not figure any Italian team.
For those interested, you can subscribe here.

Competition one of a kind, organized on later month from Miss Piggy’s UK in Burton Upon Trent in England, another very famous place for the brewing tradition. On the model of some American competitions, including the most famous is the American Royal, has two races in a row at the weekend, the first invitation for the teams best placed in the competitions of the previous season and the second Open. Unfortunately all the seats are sold out long ago.
For additional info anyway click here.

Smoke on the LakeSMOKE ON THE LAKE – WBQA
Again, unfortunately, we find an overlap, although fortunately this time, not with competitions neighboring to Italy but with the Brew’n’Q that hardly would have divided the national teams. The location is the beautiful Varese, almost on the banks of Lake Maggiore. Here too, only applications by mail here.

Unfortunatelly an amazing competition as the Bohemian BBQ in Prague won’t be confirmed this year

One more first competition on calendar, unfortunately third overlap of the weekend, organized in Bologna by the Facebook group of  the Italian Hardcore Barbecue included into the event Beer’n Grill.
Subscriptions not open yet. For keeping you updated, click here.


It starts immediately with the first and historic KCBS sanctioned BBQ competition in Europe, held in Hoofddorp around the corner from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Another competition that is within the SCA, as regards the steaks in additional categories. Among the latter, then impossible not to mention the Whole Hog. The space of 49 admitted team is already sold out for some time and among the registered teams we remember the Pit Club and the Luna Pork.
For info click qui.

Small size competition, organized on the 10th in Deurne in the Netherlands, with a good tradition, but with paper reservations. The registration form is still available but it would appear that all the seats are gone and among the registered team do not appear any Italian.
For more info click here.

Cook in Camargue Logo COOK IN CAMARGUE – KCBS
small but lovely competition, organized at the end of the month by Jed Thompson in the beautiful Saint Marie de la Mer in the Camargue, in the town square, literally a stone’s throw from the sea. Still several seats available and between the participants, several Italian teams including Smoking Bad, the Weber Shop Modena and Italian Style.
To subscribe, click here.

Yet overlapping, unfortunately this time with France, very interesting for the Italian team. A shame. The race takes place in the Republic of San Marino, a location definitely interesting and worth a visit.
Again, to sign write here

On June although there is not yet official, it seems to be confirmed the Italian Barbecue Championship. Take count of it. It seems now probably that the 2017 edition of the Rugby Sound in Parabiago will not see the light. A pity.


Prime Uve InvitationalPRIME UVE – KCBS
It starts the 2nd with a bang in one of the most prestigious competitions of the year, organized by Distillerie Maschio at the historical site of Gaiarine. I have no fear in saying that the level of benefit to the team is unique in the world. Unfortunately this is only an invitational, or a competition which can only be accessed by invitation, in this case only to the top 16 placed teams of the TOY rankings of the year.
In any case, for info, click here

Yet another overlay of the year (for the second year in a row to come), to Geestland in Germany. Let’s say that in this case the competition can be a great opportunity to score points for the teams not invited to the Prime Uve, considering that the invited ones are the first sixteen of the last year ranking. On the site no info on available spots and the teams entered but online registration is still active.
For those interested click here.

spectacular location for this new calendar entry in the following week: the charming and wonderful Vienna in Austria. Again it is available on-line booking (in German only) but no info about available spots and on the already entered teams. However still open bookings.
For those interested, click here

The event is the at second edition, organized the 22nd by Dragon BBQ in the beautiful Black Forest in Germany. If last year the location was a wine cellar, this year will be even the Thermal. Reservations are managed entirely on-line, still available, and in English. Of the 48 post there are only 5 available and appearing between the registered teams 4 Italian teams including Pit Club, Smoking Bad e Smoke’n Fire.
For subscriptions click here.

LooflighterLOOFTLIGHTER 2017 – KCBS
Another new competition for the last weekend of the month at Höganäs, Sweden, which ideologically takes the place of the historic Smoke in the North. Little is known, except the location and that the competition is promoted by the company that gives its name, in a small town in the south of the country, not far from Malmö. Subscriptions seems to be still not opened, but to be updated with information click here.


The KCBS back in Estonia! In case you did not know, Estonia was one of the first European countries where certification was organized. And it’s fresh news that has been formalized the organization of this contest for the day of August the 18th, of which we still known a very few, except that it will be held in the Estonian town of Vanamõisa, just a little southern from Tallinn, in the far north of Europe. At today, the link for registration, specified on the official KCBS page seem to be still not active. In any case the link is this.

 regahfestREGAHFEST – KCBS
very good competition in later month at Den Haag in Holland, even more traditional for the European calendar. This is a further step in SCA circuit for extra category of steak cooking. The organizational level is guaranteed by the excellent team of Rokende Regahs. But useless illusions, the reservation list is now long run out.
For information still click here.

We are awaiting the publication of another historic event on August, the Egregio by Roman Schellartz.


Another first edition on calendar and once again in the Netherlands, in Zeewolde, the 2nd. Another stop on the circuit SCA steak. Dutch site with online reservation possibilities in which no mention of the available spots but we will highlight the teams entered, 13 in total, including no Italian. So open registration and possibility of early bird (advance booking at a discounted price) still active.
For those interested to register here.

farm meatFARM MEAT – KCBS
Netherlands again, in Dongen, only a week later. Again only in Dutch site but open enrollment and 23 of the 36 available seats occupied, no Italian. As Tony Stone one of the extra categories is the whole hog.
For those interested, sign up here.

Back to the first KCBS sanctioned competition in Italy, arrived here at its fourth edition, for the first time in september. This time the competition will no longer be part of the important event Piacere Barbecue but it will be a tasty sequel. It will be held on 9th and 10th  of September, also in Perugia in the historic location of Pian Masiano in the green path. For registration and information, click here.

Appointment in mid-month in Sint Niklaas, Belgium organized by Laurentius team. Other stages of the SCA circuit that defines the European champion in the year of cooking steaks. Site with online booking and the list of registered teams. Of the 50 available seats, 17 were occupied, no Italians.
For those interested, subscribe here.

Another new competition on calendar for half month, the first one organized  in Slovenia by the Slovenian Barbecue Society, few kilometers from the capital Ljubljiana, on the banks of the lake Zbilje in a real dream location, next to a historic local restaurant.
Subsistions open yet, click here.

Of course an overlap, the 16th, fortunately with a competition in Belgium. This is the progenitor of WBQA competitions in Italy, in Modena. As in other cases the reservation is sent by mail.
Interested parties can find info here.

The latest official information is that of September in Italy, unfortunately, will not confirm the Brixia while we await the publication of the historic and rich Ruhrpott in Germany


Another historical event, now in its fifth edition in Hoofddopr in the Netherlands, organized by the talented Sea Side Smokers. This year the Cook Off will be the last stage of the year in KCBS and SCA, in which will be declared the European champion. Perfectly organized site and in two languages. Amazing to note that almost a year in advance the places are sold out long ago. Among the registered teams, include the Italians Smoking Bad.
Click for useful info here.

A wonderfull new entry for a competition that forewarn to be very interesting, in a small town in the  Tocaji region, the one of the famous Hungarian wine.
Subsciptions not open yet but for keeping you updated, click here.

Periodic event that brings together the world’s best WBQA teams, scheduled for the middle of the month. The location this year is Limerick in the beautiful and green Ireland.
For info and reservations click here.

Of course we still have a few months ahead and the schedule can further intensify. If you’re a team or a judge does not expect much though to plan the season, as you have seen the spots fill up very quickly. If you are an enthusiast and you want to follow us during the season, here you can find the schedule of competitions in which we take part. However to all, Good Barbecue!

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