Who are Us

Unearth The Barktenders

Barktenders is a play on words that matches the name “bartenders”, the bar keepers with the american term “bark”, the savory crust typical of barbecue cooked meats. Moreover “Tender” means “soft”, so “Barktenders” may even be interpreted as “the ones who cook soft barks”, or rather right the opposite of what we should be supposed to do. We chose this name cause it combines in a playful and ironic way our two biggest passions: the one for barbecue in each possible expression, with the one for working with people and especially for public food supplying.

Barktenders CateringBehind the fancy name, a project we love to take much seriously hides. Barktenders was born from the original idea from four grillers, based on their wide and multileveled experience on the specific branch and on their desire of creating a professional and affordable service in a cheerful, captivating and convivial but too often even rough cooking expression.

Barktenders is a Catering Service, highly specific on barbecue branch, lived and expressed at its best, where each cooking is on order and the most are realized on specific gears, fueled with hardwood charcoal, for unbeatable taste and aroma.

Barktenders is a very variegated technical expertise background at your service, that includes yearly experiences into food service, professional barmans,  AIS graduated sommeliers, ONAF graduated taster, further of many, many years spent in front of coals.

Barktenders GaraBarktenders is even an innovative barbecue gears rent service, with different possible sizes and fueling thank to which you’ll have the best performances as usable at your home with no purchasing effort needed.

Barktenders is a competition barbecue team, attending lot of challenges on european and over ocean circuits, representing in many case the italian technic on traditional american barbecue slow cooking.

Barktenders is all of this and even more but probably thousand words wouldn’t be enough to fully describe it. Come and disclose it by yourself.
