It comes back at Mi.Co. in Milano the date by Golosario with the excellence of the italian food, with more than 300 exibitors active on differents thematic areas. To this edition, also us will take part to the outside area, presenting our own catering service through many show cookings.
The schedule of our free shows, you all are invited to are these following:
Saturady 11 November
h. 16.00 The Speciality of American Streetfoood
The Pulled Pork Sandwich, the Lobster Roll and the other dishes that make famous in the world the stars and stripes streetfood
h. 19.30 Let’s fire it up!
Presentation of the book Subito Barbecue by Marco Agostini inteviewed by Martino Maria. All the secrets for grilling without fears
Sunday 12 November
h. 11.00 The Aperitifs on Grill
The Finger Grills and the Smokey Cocktails. Small and elegants fingers all realized on grill and cocktails in a completely new key.
h. 15.00 The Porchetta
One of the most loved dish in Italy, realized live: crispy rind and tender and tasty meat
h. 18.00 The First courses and Barbecue
The surprise effect and the toasty character of the first courses realized on the grill: pasta and risotto as you never tasted before
Monday 13 November
h. 11.00 The elegance of the Steakhouse
A refined tasting of valued meats matched with sauces and salts