Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

BBQ Hangout Srl con sede legale in Milano, Foro Buonaparte, 57  (VAT number 09588990961) according to art. 13 of European Union Directive 2016/679 (from now and on called GDPR) and in relation to the personal data it is going to get hold with because of contractual relationships and/or visits to the company website, declares the following:

Data Protection Officer

The data protection officer is BBQ Hangout Srl con sede legale in Milano, Foro Buonaparte, 57  (Vat Number 09588990961). You can contact the data protection officer at the PEC e-mail address

Processing Object

The  data  protection  officer  processes  the  personal  data  (name,  surname,  business  name,  address,  telephone number, e-mail address, bank accounts, payment  information, tax code) you give for contractual relationships reasons or after having visited the company website.

Purpose of the Processing and Legal Base

Your personal data are treated as following:

a) Without your express consent (GDPR art. 6 let b) e) for the following reasons:

–    Conclude contracts with the officer;

–    Fulfill precontractual, contractual, financial obligations related to the relationship with you;

–    Fulfill law obligations, regulations, community legislation or orders of the Authorities;

–    To protect its credit and to manage our rights in relation to the single contractual relationship with you;

b) Only with your express consent (GDPR art.7) for the following reasons:

–     Send you or inform you with: newsletter, commercial messages, advertisement about products and services offered by the officer, but also to measure the satisfaction level about the quality of products and services;

–    Send you newsletter or messages for market analysis, quality control statistics, marketing operations, informative about our commercial proposals, new products and services;

–     Send  you  newsletter  and  messages  to  acoomplish  with  promotional  proposals,  invitation  to  our initiatives, fairs and events.

Processing Procedures

The personal data you provide will be processed according to the Directive mentioned above and respecting the privacy obligations.

The personal data can be processed both: paper archive and computer archive (also included portable devices). The personal data are processed in the right way according to the Directive mentioned above with the proper technical, organisational and safe measures as requested by the GDPR.

Data Storage

Your personal data used for the above reasons will be stored for the duration period of the contract and, then, for all the time required for financial reasons, but not only, according to what is requested by law or regulations.

Data Provision and Consequences Related to the Refusal of Answer

Data provision for the point a) above is compulsory and if you do not provide them we cannot guarantee the respect of what is related to the point a).

Data provision for the point b) is elective. You can decide and not provide your data or you can change your mind and deny the use of the data you provided.

Data Notice

Your personal data can be noticed to the following (according to the relevant limits of the treatment):

  1. employees and partners of the officer;
  2. officer’s agents network;
  3. subsidiary, linked and controlled companies, commercial partners, holding companies;
  4. consultants and professionals;
  5. insurances and banks institutes which provide services related to the above purposes;
  6. individuals which elaborate data for specific law obligates;
  7. administrative or legal authorities in order to fulfill law obligates;
  8. subcontractors which work in relation to our contractual relationship

Data Transfer

If necessary, the personal data stored in electronic devices may be transfered to extra EU servers. In this case, the personal officer ensures that this transfer will be made according and in conformity to the applicable laws, after having stipulated the standard contractual clause requested by the European Commission.

Person Involved Rights

Your rights include the following:

  • to ask the company to access to your personal data and all the information related to them; to change the wrong data or to add something if they are not complete; to delete your personal data (if one condition of the GDPR art. 17, paragraph 1 happens, but respecting the exceptions of the paragraph 3 of the same article); to limit the treatment of your personal data (if one of the cases of the GDPR art. 18, paragraph 1 happens);
  • to request and obtain from the company your personal data in a structured and readable from an automatic device format (in case the legal basis of the treatment is the contract or the consensus and the treatment is made using automate devices). This is the right of the data portability;
  • to go against the treatment of your data whenever you want in case of particular situations related to you;
  • to go against totally or in part: 1) for legitimate reasons to the treatment of your personal data, albeit applicable to collection;  2) to the treatment of your personal data   for the dispatch of advertisement material or direct selling or market research or commercial messages using automate systems of calling without using any operator with e-mails and/or with traditional marketing activities and/or mail post;
  • to revoke the consensus whenever you want, but only in case the treatment is related to your approval and in case it is related to your common personal data (for example date of birth, place of birth, where you live) or to particular categories of data (for example information related to your race, your political ideas, your religion, your health or your personal sexual life). The treatment made before your denial and made upon your consensus maintains its legality;
  • to   submit   a   claim   to   the   control   authority   (Authority   for   the   protection   of   personal   data   –

How to use your rights

You can use your rights whenever you want sending a registered mail to BBQ Hangout Srl con sede legale in Milano 20121, Foro Buonaparte, 57  (Vat Number 09588990961) or an e-mail to the PEC address